Frequent Questions
Where will I find the driver when I get to the airport?
When you arrive at Palma de Mallorca airport (PMI) the taxi driver will be waiting for you personally at the meeting point, with a plaque bearing your name, just in front of door number 4.
What if my flight is delayed?
You don’t have to worry if your flight is delayed, as we are in constant contact with the airport and know what time your flight arrives in Mallorca. If you have had any problems with your luggage, due to loss or a claim for breakage, it is advisable to inform the driver by phone.
What is the price of the trip from the airport to my destination?
The price of the trip includes tolls and supplements from the airport to your destination. You can check these prices in our price list. The prices indicated are maximum price, final cost without surprises.
Do you make other journeys in addition to airport departures?
If there is any service that you cannot find on this website, please do not hesitate to contact us, as we can also offer you transfers in the port and around Palma. Remember that from the airport to Calvia we can only take you but not pick you up on your return journey. You will see it indicated in our rates.
What is the maximum number of passengers allowed?
The service is for 4 people plus the driver. Children and babies count as an adult square. We have chairs available for the client at no extra cost, depending on the age and weight of the child.
What is the maximum baggage allowance? What kind of suitcases, packages, etc. fit in the vehicle?
Please indicate in our reservation form the number of suitcases and special luggage (surfboard, wheelchair, pet carrier, golf clubs, etc). Please try to describe this special luggage to us as well as possible and we will try to help you, at no extra cost to you.
From what age do children count as passengers?
Children and babies count as an adult square. We have chairs for your baby according to weight and age, at no extra cost. Please indicate this on the reservation form.
What's the final price? Is there any extra cost?
The only extra cost is the night services, as indicated in our rates. The prices on our website are their final cost, with supplements and tolls included and without any surprise to the customer.
What payment methods do you accept?
Accepted payment methods will be in cash, at the end of the service or by bank card. You do not have to advance anything to make your reservation.
What to do after booking?
After making the taxi reservation onine, we will answer you by email as soon as possible and confirm your service. If at any time they call us on the phone and we can’t answer it, it’s probably because we’re driving. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How does my Palma taxi differ from the other taxis on the island?
If you look at the photos on our website, you will see the shield and colors of our taxi.
How does my Palma taxi differ from the other taxis on the island?
If there are any setbacks or changes to your trip, please contact us as soon as possible to change or cancel the service.
Can I cancel the service if there are any setbacks on the trip?
If there are any setbacks or changes to your trip, please contact us as soon as possible to change or cancel the service.